

"You must know that just as man has a mind, the entire universe also has a mind. The human mind and the cosmic mind exist. The earth is condensed mind. The entire Universe is condensed mind. Universal Mind waves saturate the infinite space.."

Smoky sights

Beneath the smoky silence,
Awaken souls in darkness
Desires brought to peace
Entangled with a kiss.

Bitter sweet the coffee of our sorrows
I wonder if I might borrow
The sweetness of your kiss …

U take one drag of silence out of the
Smoky sight
U let yourself inspired, enchanted by the night…


Connected spirits into clingy patterns
Disturbing feelings cast away in darkness,
Undoubted visions locked away in consciousness's chambers
Paranoid ego imprisoned by the doubt.

Floating on awareness's clouds
Enhancing infinite dimensions
Transcending ,dreaming, gliding
Drifting in desire,
Entangling in a blissful puzzle.