

"You must know that just as man has a mind, the entire universe also has a mind. The human mind and the cosmic mind exist. The earth is condensed mind. The entire Universe is condensed mind. Universal Mind waves saturate the infinite space.."

Astral projection

1. What is an Astral Projection?

Samael Aun Weor: Do you really not know what an Astral Projection is? Young lady, I understand very well that your question is sincere. Listen: Astral Projection is an extremely simple and easy natural phenomenon like eating and drinking, etc. It is clear that when the physical body becomes slumbered, the soul then leaves it and travels everywhere. When returning, when re-entering into its body again, the soul then often remembers the places where it was, the people with whom it spoke, etc.; usually people describe this phenomenon as dreams, yet indeed this is an astral projection.

2. Can this phenomenon be performed only in dreams or can it also be done by will?

Samael Aun Weor: In either case, the slumber state is necessary in order for one to be able to astral project, even by will.

3. Is Astral Projection dangerous?

Samael Aun Weor: It seems to me that to become cognizant of one’s own natural phenomena can never be dangerous; one must become cognizant of the food that one eats, of what one drinks, of the state in which one’s health is and also of the process of astral projection that occurs in any living creature.

4. Please explain to me the technique to astral project. I would like to go to Paris by will.

Samael Aun Weor: What you always perform in an involuntary and unconscious manner, learn to do it in a voluntary and conscious manner. You have always astral projected yourself, since all souls leave the body -unfortunately in an unconscious manner- at the moment when one is dozing; so, perform the same thing, but in a voluntary and conscious manner. I repeat: when you began to feel that state of lassitude related to slumber, when you begin to doze, then imagine yourself to be like a subtle and vaporous ghost; think that you are going to leave your body; understand that you are not the body; understand that you are a soul; thus, feel yourself as being soul and then with smoothness and delicacy -as the souls rise- get up from your bed. What I am explaining to you must be performed in a concrete manner; this is not to a matter of thinking, but of actions! Then as soon you get up, perform a small jump within your bedroom with the firm intention of floating in the environment; thus, it is clear that if you float, it is because you are already outside your physical body; then you can leave your bedroom and float in the atmosphere; then you can go to Paris, London, or wherever pleases you. However, if you do not float it is because you just got up from your bed with your physical body; if this happens, then go back again to your bed and repeat the experiment.

5. When floating, does the physical body remain in the bed?

Samael Aun Weor: I want you to understand me; listen, it is clear that if you float in the surrounding environment it is because you are outside of your physical body; in this concrete case you must understand that your body has been left in bed and that you as soul are outside the body and far from the bed.

6. When one floats one must think that one travels to a certain place?

Samael Aun Weor: I want you to understand that this is not a matter of thinking, but of doing, which is different. For example, I see you seated on that chair; thus, if you think that you are going to get up from that chair and go to the street, however, you do not act, it is clear that you will remain seated there on that chair; so, action is what is needed: do you understand me?

7. This is what I like about Gnosis: here, everything that I do not understand is clearly explained to me.

Samael Aun Weor: Of course; we like exactness, precision in everything.

8. Can you narrate for us a concrete case of astral projection by will?

Samael Aun Weor: With great pleasure, distinguished young lady, I will narrate for you a personal case. I want to narrate for you my first astral projection. I was still very young when I resolved to astral project myself by will. I clearly remember that I put much attention to my slumber process, thus, when I felt myself dozing in that state of transition that exists between vigil and dream, I acted intelligently.

I did not situate myself to think that I was going to be astral projected, because it is obvious that if I had been thinking about it I would not have performed the longed-for experiment. I repeat: I acted; I got up with great smoothness from my own bed, and when doing so a very natural separation between the soul and the body took place; the soul remained outside and the body remained sleeping in the bed.

I went out of my house in a spontaneous and clear manner and then walked down a solitary street. I stopped on the next corner of the street; for few moments I reflected about where I should go; then I resolved to go to Europe.

It is obvious that I had to soar over the waters of the Atlantic Ocean; thus, floating wonderfully in the luminous space, I was filled with a happiness that is inconceivable for human beings, and finally I arrived at the city of Paris.

Thus, walking -or better said, floating in that luminous atmosphere- I instinctively felt the necessity of entering into a house. I do not regret have entered into that house due to the peculiar case that within that mansion I encountered an initiate I had known in old reincarnations.

He was also outside his body; certainly I evidenced that his body was sleeping in the bed, and next to him I saw a woman and two children who also slept with him; I understood that these were his wife and children.

I affectionately greeted my friend and the soul of his wife, who was also outside her body; it is not irrelevant to also state that as the children were also sleeping, their souls were outside their bodies.

Those infantile souls began to be scared by my unusual presence; I then understood the necessity to withdraw in order to avoid the return of such frightened souls to their respective bodies; it is unquestionable that if this had happened, the children would have cried in bed and the weeping would have woken my friend and his wife; then the dialogue would have been suspended, since the soul of my friend as well as his wife would had been forced to penetrate in their respective bodies of bone and flesh.

Indeed, I understood all of this in thousandths of a second; thus, in order to avoid this problem, I proposed that my friend leave the house and go with me around the streets of Paris; my joy was great when he accepted.

Thus, together we went through the streets of that great city; I even advised him to return to the path, to enter the path of the Light; I also proposed that we visit a wonderful temple that exists in Germany, but regrettably, my friend declined the invitation stating that he could not because he had concentrated his attention on the problems of practical life, since he had a spouse and children, etc. I then said farewell to that Initiate and -soaring in the atmosphere- I passed over great walls and then soared over a highway, by a serpentine way full of curves, until I arrived at a wonderful temple.

In front of that sanctuary I saw many souls of different nationalities, people who during the hours of their sleep escaped from their dense body in order to arrive there.

So, all those people united in different groups were conversing amongst themselves; they spoke of the cosmos, of the laws, of reincarnations and Karma, the mysteries of life and death, etc.

I looked for a friend who was skillful in astral projection but I did not find him.

I then approached the threshold of the temple and saw an exquisite garden with delicious flowers that exhaled an inebriating perfume; at its depth, the silhouette of a splendid temple illuminated by the splendors of the stars stood out; I wanted to enter, but the guardian took the floor and told me, “This it is the temple of wisdom; withdraw, it is not time yet” .

Thus, obeying his orders, I withdrew to certain distance without moving too much away from the threshold. Then I examined myself; I observed my spiritual hands and feet and even had the luxury of comparing them with the hands and feet of my body of bones and flesh that I had left there in Latin America, the sacred land of the Aztecs, sleeping in the bed.

It is evident that the outcome of such comparisons originated the instantaneous return into my material physical vehicle that slept deeply, snoring in the bed; then I, astounded, woke up saying, “I was in the temple of the wisdom; what happiness, what joy”.

Even today, I cannot forget the immaculate white light that was shining in that sanctuary; indeed, such a light did not seem to come from any physical lamp, since it projected itself from all parts and it did not make any type of shade.

9. Can one even travel to any place without knowing that place?

Samael Aun Weor: I went to such a divine temple and nevertheless, I did not know that place; I could say that a “superior telepathic sense” -or it is better to state to you, that my own Spirit guided me there.

10. When one does the astral projection voluntarily can one upon waking remember where one went?

Samael Aun Weor: Is clear that if you do not remember, it is because you did not astral project by will; it seems impossible to me that a person who astral projects voluntarily -who leaves the body consciously, intentionally- will be unable to remember what he/she saw outside their body. For example, when you leave your house to go to the office and soon return from the office to your house, do you remember what you saw in the office, the work that you did, and the commands of your boss?

11. Yes, I remember everything that I did in the office when I return to my house.

Samael Aun Weor: So then this case is similar, young lady; remember that your physical body is a house of bones and flesh; thus, if you voluntarily leave that house you will then see many things, and if you voluntarily return, it is also obvious that you will remember everything that you saw and heard.

From “Beyond Death” (1970) by Samael Aun Weor

Awakening to consciousness

Written by Samael Aun Weor

Identification and Fascination lead to the Sleep of the Consciousness. For example: you are going quite calmly on the street, you suddenly meet a public demonstration; the masses vociferate, they talk about the leaders of the people, the flags wave through the air, people seem to be crazy, everybody talks, everybody yells.

Public Demonstration

That public demonstration is very interesting; you already forgot everything you had to do, you become identified with the masses, the speaker’s words convince you.

The public demonstration is so interesting that you already forgot yourself, you have become identified so much with that street demonstration, that you no longer think of anything else, you are fascinated, you now fall into the sleep of consciousness; mixed

with the shouting masses, you also shout and you even throw stones and insults; you are dreaming beautifully, you no longer know who you are, you have forgotten everything.

We will now give you another simpler example: You are in your living room, seated before the television screen, cowboy scenes appear, there is shooting, lovers’ dramas, etc., etc.

The movie is very interesting, it has totally caught your attention; you have already forgotten yourself that you even shout with enthusiasm, you are identified with the cowboys, with the gunshots, with the couple of lovers.

The fascination is now terrible, you do not even remotely remember yourself, you have entered a very profound sleep; in those moments you only want to see the triumph of the hero of the movie, you rejoice with him, you are worried about the fate he may have.

Thousands and millions are the circumstances that produce Identification, Fascination and Sleep.

People identify with persons, things, ideas, and every type of identification is followed by Fascination and Sleep.

Man asleep- Consciousness

People live with Consciousness Asleep, they work dreaming, they drive cars dreaming and they also kill pedestrians who walk dreaming on the streets, absorbed in their own thoughts.

During the hours of rest of the physical body, the Ego (I) exits the physical body and takes along its dreams wherever it goes. When it returns to the physical body, when it once again enters the Vigil state, it continues with its same dreams and in this manner, it spends its entire life dreaming.

The persons that die cease to exist, but the Ego, the “I”, continues in the suprasensible regions beyond death.

At the hour of death, the Ego takes along its dreams, its worldliness and lives in the world of the dead with its dreams; it continues dreaming, with the Consciousness asleep, it ambulates like a somnambulist, asleep, unconscious.

Whoever wants to awaken Consciousness should work here and now. We have the Consciousness incarnated and that is why we should work it here and now. Whoever awakens Consciousness here in this physical world awakens in all the worlds.

The one who awakens Consciousness in this three-dimensional world, awakens in the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions.

Man asleep- Consciousness

The one who wants to live consciously in the superior worlds should awaken here and now.

The four gospels insist on the necessity of awakening but people do not understand.

People sleep profoundly, but they believe that they are awake; when someone accepts that he is asleep, it is a clear sign that he already begins to awaken.

It is very difficult to make other persons comprehend that they have their consciousness asleep; people never accept the tremendous truth that they are asleep.

The one who wants to awaken consciousness should practice Inner Self- Remembering from moment to moment.

This exercise of being in Self-Remembering from moment to moment, is in fact an intensive work.

A moment, an instant, of forgetfulness is enough to begin dreaming beautifully.

We urgently need. to be watching all of our thoughts, sentiments, desires, emotions, habits, instincts, sexual impulses, etc.

Every thought, emotion, movement, instinctive act, sexual impulse, should be immediately auto-observed as they come forth in our psyche; any lack of attention is sufficient to fall into the sleep of the consciousness.

Asleep in the bus

Many times, you are walking on the street, absorbed in your own thoughts, identified with those thoughts, fascinated, dreaming beautifully; suddenly, a friend passes near you, greets you, you do not return the greeting because you do not see him, you are dreaming; the friend becomes angry, he assumes that you are a person without manners or that you are possibly angry; the friend is also going around dreaming; if he was awake, he would not make such conjectures to himself, he would immediately realize that you are walking around asleep.

Many are the times in which you mistake the door and you knock where you should not knock, because you are asleep.

You are traveling in a city transport vehicle; you have to get off at a specific street, but you are identified, fascinated, dreaming beautifully about a business, in your mind, or with a memory, or with an affection; suddenly, you realize that you have passed your street, you cause the vehicle to stop and then you walk back a few streets.

It is very difficult to stay awake from moment to moment, but it is indispensable.

When we learn to live awake from moment to moment, we then stop dreaming here and outside of the physical body.

It is necessary to know that when people fall asleep, they come out of their physical bodies, but they carry along their dreams, they live in the internal worlds dreaming and when they return to the physical body, they continue with their dreams, they continue dreaming.

When one learns to live awake from moment to moment, one stops dreaming here and in the internal worlds.

It is necessary to know that the Ego (I) enveloped in its Lunar Bodies, exits the physical body when the body falls asleep. Unfortunately, the Ego lives asleep in the internal worlds.

Besides the Ego, that which is called Essence, Soul, Fraction of a Soul, Buddhata, Consciousness, exists inside the lunar bodies. It is that Consciousness that we should awaken here and now.

Here in this world we have the Consciousness, here we should awaken it if we truly want to stop dreaming and live consciously in the superior worlds.

The person with awake consciousness, lives, works, acts consciously in the superior worlds while his body rests in his bed.

The conscious person does not have unfoldment problems; the problem of learning to unfold oneself at will is only for the asleep.

Angelic Consciousness

The awake person does not even concern himself with learning to unfold himself; he lives consciously in the superior worlds while his physical body sleeps in bed.

The awake person no longer dreams; during the rest of the body, he lives in those regions where people wander dreaming, but with his consciousness awake.

The awake person is in contact with the White Lodge, he visits the Temples of the Great Universal White Fraternity, and interviews with his Guru-Deva while his body sleeps.

Inner Self-Remembering from moment to moment, develops the Spatial Sense and then, we can even see the dreams of people who walk the streets.

The Spatial Sense includes sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, etc., in itself. The Spatial Sense is the functionalism of the awake consciousness.

The chakras, of which occultist literature speaks, in relation to the spatial sense, are what the flame of a match is in relation to the Sun.

If Inner Self-Remembering from moment to moment is fundamental to awaken consciousness, learning to use attention is no less fundamental.

Gnostic students should learn to divide attention into three parts: Subject, Object and Place.

Subject. To not fall into the forgetting of oneself before any representation.

Object. To observe everything, every representation, every fact, every event no matter how insignifIcant the latter may seem, in detail, without forgetting oneself.

Place. The rigorous observation of the place where we may be, ask ourselves, “What place is this? Why am I here?”

People on street, apparently awake

Within this Place factor, we should include the dimensional issue, since it could be the case that we are really in the fourth or in the fifth dimension of nature during the moment of observation; let us remember that nature has seven dimensions.

The law of gravity reigns in the three-dimensional world. The Law of Levitation exists within the superior dimensions of nature.

Upon observing a place, we should never forget the matter of the seven dimensions of nature; it is convenient, therefore, to ask ourselves: “In what dimension am I? Then, it is necessary, in the way of verification, to take the highest possible jump with the intention of floating in the surrounding atmosphere. It is logical that if we float it is because we are outside of the physical body. We should never forget that when the physical body sleeps, the Ego with the Lunar Bodies and the Essence within, unconsciously ambulates like a somnambulist in the Molecular World.

The Division of Attention into Subject, Object and Place, leads to the awakening of Consciousness.

After becoming accustomed to this exercise, to this Division of Attention into three parts, to these questions, to this little jump, etc., many Gnostic students ended up practicing the same exercise during the sleep of the physical body, when they were really in the superior worlds and when they made the famous experimental jump, they floated delightfully in the surrounding atmosphere; they then awoke Consciousness, they then remembered that the physical body had remained asleep in the bed and full of joy they were able to dedicate themselves to the study of the mysteries of life and death in the superior dimensions.

It is logical to say that an exercise that is practiced from moment to moment daily, that becomes a habit, a custom, is recorded so much in the different zones of the mind that afterwards, it is automatically repeated during dreaming, when we are really outside of the physical body and the result is the awakening of Consciousness.

(An excerpt from the book "Hermetic Astrology", Samael Aun Weor)


Value the process

"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear ... as it is, infinite."

William Blake

Growing is a choice we make, we deal with our past or present issues only by choice, choosing to take this actions not only reflects maturity but it also reflects a certain amount of awareness. So awareness is growth and vice-verse.

Awaking thoughts,

The clock was ticking slowly,
Annoying i might say,
The rain is beating frenetic against my window
And i wonder how would it be if i have
never meet u.

If i haven't felt those lips looking to taste
a drop of forgetfulness ,
if i haven't felt that
body looking for a way to release it's pain
If i haven't felt those tears coming from my eyes
In hope that this can last forever..
If i haven't felt the time losing it's identity..

Ur heat creating passion,
The waves that tie our destiny play like
an old blues guitar a tune that will exist
with the sound of time..

Wave after wave like a stormy Monday,
the final throws it's sword down and surrenders
to awareness.

Only if i haven't met u..
i would still be sleeping...


Looking in the mirror of the past life's affair
Traveling by thought power trough the memories,
Imagining how life could change and be,
Challenging again my destiny.

I am taking one last puff from the addictions
that consumed me,
I am giving greef one last kiss
Thoughts running with the speed of light
Are turning into silence...

Only one thing i am able to feel now..Bliss..
Dreaming turns into reality, and reality turns into dreaming,
I want to switch the lights off but is useless,
The bliss is part of who i am..



Engaging in experiences,

Feeling the energy that runs trough our self
seeing the demons that liberate our spirit,
feeling the space that we create..

The entanglement of the spirits
makes reality unreal ,
The room has no walls, the trees have no earth
to rely on...

What is in is out, what is dark is white,
empty is full,good is bad..
reality is only in our selves,

Pain disappears as i think of it...
Thoughts become liquid as the water
that makes my fear exacerbate the love for life.


Unleashed beasts sited inside chained by the
Chained by the fact that is how it has to be,
Vision fogged by distorted feelings,
Release our self from delusion of reality...

Intoxicated souls in search of euphoria,
Distracted egos on the road to out-dating
Imagine the universe trough the eyes of innocence
Allow our souls to embrace oneness...

Awaking thoughts

Rejuvenated senses ,

The twisted mind plays games you somehow loose
The perverted ego creates mayhem and delusion,
Unfulfilled desires patronize your dreams
Lack of space only creates confusion..

Redundant feelings invade our juvenile spirits
Creating alter universes too hostile to accept,
Drops of consciousness brighten our clouded sights
The darkness fades in echoes of timeless twists of fate…

Were time has no meaning the nothingness begins
The voices have no echo, the colors seem to fade,
Fear dissolves in silence and bareness is no more than
Illusion of desire intoxicating our rejuvenated spirits…