

"You must know that just as man has a mind, the entire universe also has a mind. The human mind and the cosmic mind exist. The earth is condensed mind. The entire Universe is condensed mind. Universal Mind waves saturate the infinite space.."

Awaking thoughts,

The clock was ticking slowly,
Annoying i might say,
The rain is beating frenetic against my window
And i wonder how would it be if i have
never meet u.

If i haven't felt those lips looking to taste
a drop of forgetfulness ,
if i haven't felt that
body looking for a way to release it's pain
If i haven't felt those tears coming from my eyes
In hope that this can last forever..
If i haven't felt the time losing it's identity..

Ur heat creating passion,
The waves that tie our destiny play like
an old blues guitar a tune that will exist
with the sound of time..

Wave after wave like a stormy Monday,
the final throws it's sword down and surrenders
to awareness.

Only if i haven't met u..
i would still be sleeping...


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