

"You must know that just as man has a mind, the entire universe also has a mind. The human mind and the cosmic mind exist. The earth is condensed mind. The entire Universe is condensed mind. Universal Mind waves saturate the infinite space.."

Awaking thoughts

Rejuvenated senses ,

The twisted mind plays games you somehow loose
The perverted ego creates mayhem and delusion,
Unfulfilled desires patronize your dreams
Lack of space only creates confusion..

Redundant feelings invade our juvenile spirits
Creating alter universes too hostile to accept,
Drops of consciousness brighten our clouded sights
The darkness fades in echoes of timeless twists of fate…

Were time has no meaning the nothingness begins
The voices have no echo, the colors seem to fade,
Fear dissolves in silence and bareness is no more than
Illusion of desire intoxicating our rejuvenated spirits…


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